
Property Type: Fee-Owned
Town: Stonington
Size: 47 Acres
Public Access: No Public Access

Property Description

The Caron Forest was donated to CFPA in Wilfred Caron’s Will in 2010. It was one of the first tree farms in Connecticut and currently contains a mixed hardwood forest with several densely planted conifer plantations. CFPA plans to build a trail system in the near future, and then open it up to the public so stay tuned!

Property Map

“The site contains young hardwood forest and conifers that likely support a wide diversity of birds including declining forest-interior nesting birds and raptors such as barred owl which was recorded during a site visit in January, 2013. The intermittent watercourses and ponds provide breeding habitat for amphibians and reptiles and loafing areas for ducks. The pond on the southern property boundary contained wood frog masses in the spring of 2013 indicating it is a vernal pool.”

Hunter Brawley

Brawley Consulting Group