The Connecticut Forest & Park Association (CFPA) prides itself on being a statewide leader in forest and trail conservation and the best way to lead is by example. With the help of volunteers and consultants, CFPA manages over 400 acres of forested property, monitors another 1,800 acres of conservation easements, and maintains over 825 miles of trails. We can help on a wide array of conservation topics and if one of our dedicated staff cannot help, we can point you in the right direction. Most of these links are to partner websites, which may occasionally change so be sure to notify us if you come across any broken links or access issues while using this page.

The Basics

Finding Foresters and Other Forestry Professionals

Climate Change Resources

General Forestry Resources

State Programs and Resources

  • Tax Classification of Land as Forest Land – A program that allows forest landowners to classify their land at its current use instead of at its potential as development land, which helps reduce the amount of taxes landowners pay.
  • Coverts Project for Forestry Education – A 3 1/2 day intensive forest education program that establishes a knowledge baseline and sets up a network of peer to peer educators. Click here to view example presentations from this jam-packed educational program.
  • State Service Foresters – A program that allows a forest landowner to request a state forester to come out and walk their property for free to learn about the resources and options available to them.
  • UCONN Extension Forestry – Provides education to landowners, municipals owners, public about forestry in CT.

Management Plan Development

Invasive Species Resources

Invasive species are those that are alien to the ecosystem in which they have been introduced and whose introduction causes or is likely to cause harm to the environment or human health. Many of these species have no natural enemies in our  landscape and can out-compete and displace native species.

Wildlife Resources

Mapping Resources

Teacher & Outreach Resources