Every year, CFPA provides policy recommendations to the State Legislature and Congress on the annual budget and legislation.
Below is the testimony that CFPA delivered at various public hearings in 2022 – 2025.
updated 3/17/25
2023 Testimony
Testimony: Governor’s Bonding Package for Parks, Trails, Open Space (SB 980) 4.3.23
Testimony: Proposal on Sunday Hunting (SB 1149) 3.10.23
Testimony: Technical Update to OSWA Statute (SB 1146) 3.10.23
Testimony: Negative Emissions Monitoring (SB 1145) 3.10.23
Testimony: Strengthen Environmental Justice Law (SB 1147) 3.10.23
Testimony: Increase Urban Forest Cover Goal (SB 979) 2.27.23
Testimony: All-Terrain Wheelchairs in State Parks (SB 301) 2.27.23
Testimony: Tree Removal by Dept of Transportation (HB 6744) 2.27.23
Testimony: Governor’s Budget Proposal for FY 2024 – 25 (HB 6659) 2.27.23
Testimony: Process of Objecting to Utility Vegetation Mgt Plans (HB 5108) 2.21.23
Testimony: Tax Incentive for Private Landowners to Protect Trail Corridors (SB 998) 2.17.23
Testimony: Achieving Zero Carbon Emissions (HB 6397) 2.15.23
Testimony: Establishing a Municipal Tree Removal Grant Program (SB 1003) 2.15.23
Testimony: Funding for Hazardous Municipal Tree Removal (SB 965) 2.15.23
Testimony: No Net Loss of Forests Policy for CT (HB 6610) 2.15.23
Testimony: Establishing a Utility Tree Replacement Fund (SB 122) 1.30.23
Testimony: Establishing a Climate Resiliency Fund (HB 6479) 1.30.23
Testimony: State Park Safe Capacity (HB 5009) 1.30.23
Testimony: Tree Removal at State Parks and Campgrounds (SB 896) 1.30.23
Testimony: Open Space Bonding Authorization (HB 6483) 1.30.23
Testimony: Recreational Trails Bonding Authorization (HB 6482) 1.30.23
2022 Testimony
Testimony: Multiple Public Land Conveyance Bills 4.12.22
Testimony: Open Space Bond Authorization (HB 5296) 3.14.22
Testimony: Municipal Tree Removal Account (SB 323) 3.9.22
Testimony: Recreational Trails Bonding, Climate-Smart Ag, and Forest Practices Advisory Board 3.7.22
Testimony: Curriculum Standards re: Climate Change (HB 5285) 3.3.22
Testimony: Hazard Tree Removal State Parks & Campgrounds (SB 117) 2.25.22
Testimony: Recreational Greenways Tax Abatement (SB 129) 2.25.22
Testimony: Utility Tree Planting (HB 5116) and Climate Change Mitigation (SB 10) 2.24.22
Testimony: Adjustments to Connecticut’s FY 2023 Budget (HB 5037) 2.16.22